This is the sweet, sassy, and spunky Avila Gachalian.
Avila is a normal 7 year old girl from San Diego, California.
Avila likes reading books, playing softball and also loves to sing and play piano.
Most off all, she loves being silly with her siblings.
Avila has an older brother and two younger siblings and lives with her parents and grandparents.
Avila is also very active within her church and has a very supportive community.
Please continue reading to learn more about Avila and the journey she is about to endure...
On July 29, 2019, Avila was admitted to the Palomar Emergency Room after a couple days of not feeling well. After a series of blood tests, Avila was transferred to the Rady's Children's Hospital where she was given more tests.
The tests came back positive. Our little Avila was diagnosed with leukemia (blood CANCER)..
We are deeply saddened, frightened and at a loss for words but Avila is now in for the fight of her life.
Avila is going to require a lot of help and this is going to be a very long road to recovery.
The next two years will be Avila's most intense battle against cancer.
Avila is currently in phase 2 of 6 phases of her two year cancer treatment (Oct2019)
We hope that you will share her story with your friends and social networks.
We are hoping this campaign will go viral to help us to raise funds for Avila's full treatment and recovery.
Thank you in advance for your support...
Please DONATE to Avila!
Please GIVE what you can!
Every donation is meaningful and greatly appreciated!
JOIN: Avila's Army of Hope.